[Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories [Recruiting]

Personal Information (OOC)
Name: (First and surname) Callum Slaney
Steam Name: (Steam Name) [FL:RP] Cave Johnson
Steam ID: (Steam ID) cba to find it, but this is an example, YOU WILL NEED IT.
Age: (Age) 15
Nationality: (Nationality) english
Time Zone: (Time Zone) +0 GMT
Hours: (Number of server hours) 110
RP Points (if applicable): (RP Points) 1
Bans (with dates): (Bans) 1, random raiding (actualy a missunderstanding Tounge) arround 1 month ago

Character Information (IC)
Name: (First and surname) Cave Johnson
Age: (Age) 50
Address: (Address) Aperture Laboritories, CLASSIFIED.
Nationality: (Nationality) American
Bio: (Short description about character) cba, once again, you hould do it.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: (Position) CEO
Reason for applying: (Reason) because im the CEO
Experience: (Experience) i am the CEO I KNOW EVERYTHINNGGG
What Aperture can expect from you: (Answer) nothing, i own you.
Previous employment: (Last job) aperture fixtures

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: (Left/Right) right
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: (Answer) xenon lifeform
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: (Answer) decogon
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: (Answer) ASHPD

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - by CaveeJohnson - 05-26-2013, 04:20 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - by Arxxy - 05-26-2013, 04:55 PM

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