I was not aloud to go to my base to smash my old contra and deleat my base !
We blocked the tunnel as we were RPing. There were guys who were heavily armed down the road. You tried to get past to go to your house but I kept telling we couldn't let you past as it was too dangerous. You then said "I'll just change to SRU to get past" and then switched. You then came up, started to demand us to follow your orders even though you have no power over Police Officers and then jumped over the cars running towards heavily armed people. Not only did you switch jobs to avoid an RP situation, you also FailRPed by not going along with the RP, and broke FearRP by running towards heavily armed people. If you actually role played the situation we would of let you through once it was safe.

I do not support an unban.

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RE: I was not aloud to go to my base to smash my old contra and deleat my base ! - by GeorgeTheBoy - 05-25-2013, 03:01 PM

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