[Examples/Advice] Policeman RP Ideas
I would also like to recommend "the power of two" it is othen both safer and even more enjoyable (you can share RP for instance) to patrol and work in two man cells.

and the Job (community) patrol:

Patrol in a long path around the city checking (unowned only) buildings (you would be surprised how many times i found contra in "abandon" buildings, also recall that this is realistic as real police need to sometimes check old building for "drug dens").

mostly the job involves going in a car and inspecting building, if the owner is in it is a good chance to RP the community interest we are supposed to have with our citizens (tipacaly "hello, any trouble we can help with?") I have othen found good RP proof leads this way, if the owner is not in I check the door is server legal and then LEAVE without good evidence i can not raid or request one.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Advanced police RPs - by StillAlive - 11-03-2012, 05:31 PM
RE: [Examples/Advice] Policeman RP Ideas - by ltblackcoat - 05-25-2013, 10:43 AM

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