Banned without chance to explain
Your name: [FL:RP]Aaron : STEAM_0:0:53367461

Your ban ID: 32185

Banned by: [FL] DoomDude1

Reason: Multiple CDM, history of vehicle miss-use.

Involved: -
Why we should unban you: So recently I have been having alot of fun with the server and donating quite abit and the admin that banned me according to my friends who also play on the server he is banning people for pathetic reasons for 5 days! When he teleported me he did not give me a fair chance and didn't even let me explain what went down, I feel very strongly about what this admin has done since I donated because I was enjoying the server and how the admins were handling issues. But I was obviously wrong the problem is the admin accused me with no accurate details or information. I have friends who can prove I did not do what he accused me of and if I did a valid reason due to my lag living a very out of the way place with times when I hit over 600ms but I continue to play because I enjoyed the server.


Messages In This Thread
Banned without chance to explain - by wookito - 05-24-2013, 11:35 PM
RE: Banned without chance to explain - by wookito - 05-24-2013, 11:50 PM

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