Unban request for Somebody
Your name: Somebody

[b]Your ban ID: 32156

[b]Banned by: [FL] Killjoy

[b]Reason: Propsurfing

[b]Involved: Somebody

[b]Why we should unban you:

So I was on v33x and I was president and I decided to go outside and publicly resign my position. I came down to build a small stage out front of the nexus (in front of the nexus fountain) so it could be somewhat proper. I came down with Corvonia and told him what I was gonna do.

So I got out a refrigerator door so I can start to build it but I decided to build it while I was on top of it. I got on the refrigerator door and proceeded to lift myself up but I have never propCLIMBED before so I ended up going WAYYYY to far up. I didnt know it was going to lift me up that high because, like I said, it was my first time doing it.

Noob Killer seen me doing it and said he would report me and walked off interrupting me and not letting me explain what I was doing. I do admit the propclimbing was wrong and I shouldnt have done it but at least I know not to do it again. I was simply trying to build a stage, not to purposely break the rules just to be an ass.

Its fine if you dont want to unban me. I only wanted you to know what ACTUALLY happened instead of thinking im some sort of troll who hates the server. I would appreciate the unban though. Thanks for reading this if you did.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request for Somebody - by NukaColaVictory - 05-24-2013, 10:18 PM
RE: Unban request for Somebody - by Killjoy - 05-25-2013, 08:06 AM
RE: Unban request for Somebody - by Killjoy - 05-25-2013, 05:11 PM

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