BR on dolan
Name of player: dolan

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21999823

Time in GMT: Around 4:12 pm GMT +1 (16:12)

Server: v33x

Summary: Well, he got tranqed, and then claimed that I did it, simple and straight forward, I told him ''No I didn't do it'' And I saw some blood from my back whilst moving so I thought I'd been tranqed myself, that I told him, fortuantly nothing happened to me, lag or something perhaps, I just nitrazepam'ed myself to see whether or not I was tranqed (I wouldn't be able to use it if I were) So I kept trying to convince him that I did not do it, and if you look in the logs, you will also find that I've not taken out a tranq sniper at any point. So he tranqs me from frustration or something. Then afterwards, as you will see in the chat, he tied me up and left me.. Fortuantly I had a friend there who helped me out of the ropes again.


[Image: 2013052300003.jpg]

[Image: 2013052300005.jpg]

Pedro Pimpmeistro is dolan, as I show in the last picture here.

Messages In This Thread
BR on dolan - by Criffen - 05-23-2013, 02:23 PM
RE: BR on dolan - by Narc - 05-25-2013, 05:12 AM

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