i have been more serius after 5 months plz ..
"i have been more serius after 5 months plz .."

The title pretty much sums up the effort put into this appeal. I don't need to explain what you did, you know yourself. I see no reason to unban you at this moment in time though I will give you a warning that you best listen to if you want to stay here at Fearless. Find yourself some regard for the rules before it is too late. You've had 11 bans, many of them related to aggressively breaking rules. Unless you change your ways, your next ban will be permanent. We don't have time for people like you to ruin the experience of others; you best change and enjoy what Fearless has to offer or face never returning.

Appeal denied.

[FL] Adman
Server Administrative Team

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RE: i have been more serius after 5 months plz .. - by Adman - 05-22-2013, 02:41 PM

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