Unban request on kkiller4
Your name: kkiller4

Your ban ID: 31854

Banned by: [FL] Fultzy

Reason: BRA: Prop blocking (Extended 3rd prop block ban)

Involved: the people who saw it were Hillerbear and Sitext.

Why we should unban you: The thing is that he and some friends were having a base. basically his friend placed half and he placed the rest, but later on, his friend had to leave. Then when he logged off half of the base disapeared, and that includes the keypad. As proof that he is not lying: he can get his friend on the server and if you could unban him for a short time, he can show you that they both have half of the dupe.

The reason why I am posting this is because he has login problems on the forums. Every time he tries to log in it says ''Your Steam account has already been used for another forum account.''.

With kind regards,

Messages In This Thread
Unban request on kkiller4 - by Pringled - 05-22-2013, 02:15 PM
RE: Unban request on kkiller4 - by Fultz - 05-22-2013, 04:28 PM
RE: Unban request on kkiller4 - by petrus122 - 05-22-2013, 06:37 PM
RE: Unban request on kkiller4 - by Pringled - 05-22-2013, 07:04 PM
RE: Unban request on kkiller4 - by Fultz - 05-22-2013, 08:48 PM

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