Evocity Radio - Recruitment and general information
Age - 15 (16 in a 3 months)
Do you own a decent microphone? - I own a studio XLR condensor mic, the best of the best
Do you speak and type English fluently? - Im british, more specifically english so i would think so
Do you know how to use SAM broadcaster? - I am familiar with it, but havn't owned a copy myself.
Any past experience? - Yes, ran my internet famous radio station, with 18 thousand followers, and was on a public radio for a day.
What genre(s) do you like the most? - No specific genres. things i enjoy. Not what other people like, but take it into account.
List 3 of your favorite songs - Temper Trap Fader. Coldplay Viva La Vida. Passanger Let Her Go... i also quite like some rock songs.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Evocity Radio - Recruitment and general information - by hobuscusmacintosh - 05-20-2013, 06:01 PM

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