Please read.
Your name: Gestapo

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4504581

Banning Admin: Mikey

Ban Length: a month

Reason for the ban: Blackmailing

Why we should unban you:

Please take your time to read and understand this.

Im not asking for an unban request. Im just asking you admins to make the ban shorter. I knew i did something wrong thats why i dont want a total unban.

But now, the thing about this is that apparently I have been "blackmailing" Crabsauce.

It started off with Crabsauce minging with some toilet at me and privat's base. Then i tranqed him because he was annoying. He usualy doesn't do anything about it. We like to mess around with each other (known each other for about 12 years IRL now..)

But this time he told Mikey that i FailRP'd. So Mikey was invisible when i said this to Crabsauce: "Dude, If you get me banned because I tranqed you, Im gonna post ALL the evidence i have on you minging. So just STFU and no-one gets banned."

I didn't know he would take it so hard to get tranqed (he died BTW) which he usually doesn't, because we were just messing around at UM.

I have not posted a ban request on Crabsauce before because he's my friend and I were just trying to make him not get banned.

I think a month is a bit too much for this one. I know I should not have done this but a month.. cmon.. Its more of a personal problem between me and Crabsauce.

So, Im just asking for a shortened ban. Not an unban.

Thank you for reading.

Messages In This Thread
Please read. - by Fleet Admiral Zapington - 05-23-2011, 04:37 PM
RE: Please read. - by Fleet Admiral Zapington - 05-24-2011, 10:36 AM
RE: Please read. - by Sniperwolf - 05-24-2011, 11:28 AM
RE: Please read. - by Killjoy - 05-24-2011, 01:01 PM
RE: Please read. - by MikeyTheFox - 05-25-2011, 07:40 AM
RE: Please read. - by Fleet Admiral Zapington - 05-25-2011, 12:53 PM

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