EA recieves exclusive starwars videogame rights (Possible SWBF3?)
(05-15-2013, 06:22 AM)DigDug Wrote:
(05-14-2013, 08:40 PM)trouserlessliam Wrote: Where the hell is the 3rd person while on foot? The command posts? I don't think I even saw a units meter like in 1 and 2! and why the hell can you use the iron sights!? All this looks like so far is the Star Wars version of Battlefield....
If they do that then I'm done yo'. I'm just done with the Star Wars franchise. I never forgave EA for screwing my beloved mass effect. If they screw with this too then I'm going off to live in a forest for the rest of my life...

The gameplay right there is believed to not be Battlefront 3 but infact another firstperson shooter known as 'Star Wars: First Strike' I'll link some of the pre-alpha footage of what is said to be 'The Actual BF3' when i return home, though the alpha footage is from a version of the game that were not even sure will look anything like EA's version.

That's restored some of my faith. I just don't want them to screw up my all time favourite shooter, like they did with my favourite actionRPG. Because it's EA however, I have grim expectations. Sad

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RE: EA recieves exclusive starwars videogame rights (Possible SWBF3?) - by trouserlessliam - 05-15-2013, 07:08 AM

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