Kutter Klan (sub division of Jesus cult)
Its My Birthday! 
Well hello thar my fellow peers. the kutter klan would like to consume new members into its tightly sewn family. Normally we inbreed to keep the kutter klans blood line pure. unfortunately to recent procedures this inbreeding will be a bit of an arduous task due to the vasectomies performed on each of the klans last male members. so the kutter klan is reaching out to the heathen infested public. to be a cutter you need to have no moral respect for life and you need to know your way around the framework of dull rusty knives and or blunt objects. Us Kutters very much adore using our melee tactics so we can catch a glimpse of our preys eyes so were the last thing it observes. to become a member message me Ramsey Kutter (Nectarcollector). i assure you we are the best sadistic and malicious klan out their and if you are looking for drug induced incest this is the klan for you. Normally us Kutters lurk in the realm of V2P but occasionally we dabble with the affairs of v33x. we currently possess 4 members including me but our cousin klan(jesus cult) is armed well and strong. Message me to engage in such a unique experience only to be achieved through the path of the KUTTER klan. The positions are Inbred junior, Inbred adolescent, inbred adult, inbred senior, Inbred diety. Our main goal is to eviscerate and mutilate those who we deem heathens. we like to cause as much pain and suffering as possible. so please do consider incorporating yourself with the Kutter KlAn.

The Kutter klan wants youHeart[/color]

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Kutter Klan (sub division of Jesus cult) - by Nectarcollector - 05-08-2013, 11:34 PM

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