Bunch of Corleones random raid with no reason.
"I was president, Some corleones wanted to have a meeting. I had the SS ask them why. They didnt say why so I told them no. Then they threaten to attack SS so I told cops and SS to arrest them. Then they start shooting and try and raid the nexus. They find me and do NOT have any guns out. so I run and escape.

One Corleone "BOTnim" takes me hostage and says there is no reason. Then runs away to leave me be. Then I escape. Another Corleone finds me and tells me not to move. A good gun dealer kills him and I escape once again. I have yet to find any reason for the raid other than "It is fun" or "We just wanted a meeting with you" ((and in the meeting they would have raided)) because I think they said so in OOC (but I didn't take this into IC because they didnt give me a reason to let the have the meeting)"

Right, lets take your crap apart bit by bit, as I wasRPing on the server for 5 hours, having fun until I came across you.

"I was president, Some corleones wanted to have a meeting. I had the SS ask them why. They didnt say why so I told them no."

You were president, you were doing a terrible job at it too, some corleones wanted to have a meeting? what you mean to say is, the corleones were pretty much half of the server population, so we were the only real fraction on the server at the time, you were not posting laws, anything to do with taxes or any adverts.

We wanted a meeting with you, we told the guard over and over that we could only tell you, that it was a secret thing that only the president could hear, you still said no, you were denying a meeting with basically half of the server and we were only half of the server really role playing as everyone was doing their own thing at the time.
Seeing as it would of been against the rules for us just to shoot you, why not just come out where that guard was hiding while talking to us? that was completely safe, but instead of role playing, you just tried to get rid of us over and over.

"Then they threaten to attack SS so I told cops and SS to arrest them. Then they start shooting and try and raid the nexus. They find me and do NOT have any guns out. so I run and escape."

One of the fraction member's threatened the guard which sparked the idea of actually raiding seeing as you were just ignoring the "people" and denying a meeting with them.

We got through the barrier, we didn't kill the guard, we went and looked for you, we didn't threaten you, we didn't shoot you, you just instanetly ran away when we came across you.

"One Corleone "BOTnim" takes me hostage and says there is no reason. Then runs away to leave me be. "
BOTnim joined the fraction after we caught up to you inside the Nexus, he had no idea what was going on, no one even knew he was in the fraction, so you can't include him in this as he was just some random guy who just wanted to join in.

"Then I escape. Another Corleone finds me and tells me not to move. A good gun dealer kills him and I escape once again"
I have no idea about this as we gave up role playing with you soon as you started whining.

"I have yet to find any reason for the raid other than "It is fun" or "We just wanted a meeting with you" ((and in the meeting they would have raided)) because I think they said so in OOC (but I didn't take this into IC because they didnt give me a reason to let the have the meeting)"

I do not recall anyone saying it was for fun, I remember people saying we only wanted a meeting.
You think that we said we were going to raid if we had a meeting? I do not recall this either, I remember people saying we don't want to hurt you or raiding you, like said in the video.

Here is a reason to have a meeting.
1: we were the only fraction on the server, all other fractions/jobs were 1 person, rebels, police, ss, etc.
2: It is a role play server, how about rather than hide away from role play, you actually do it.
3: You are a damn president, do your job, go meet the people of your city.

Now, you oddly enough missed out a lot of other things in your video, which would hopefully be seen if any admin even takes you remote serious and investigates.

Will point out simple things that just showed you were not role playing the role of president.
Such as when someone new joiend the server and fraction then got tazed and shot while tazed for being in the city, you said it is his fault for joining the fraction, not your fault for not saying every so often "By the way, so and so group isn't allowed in the city".
So there is a great example of you just whining and passing the buck.

Second, you were defending people that just randomly attacked the fraction Corleone, police attacking randomly, rebels attacking us, gun dealers, you didn't care about this or demote anyone for anything, all you did is whine and complain when we tried to role play with you.

I will admit we had that blood thirsty member, but he didn't follow orders of the (don) me, so you can hardly blame the whole fraction or me for something someone did that he was not ICly/OOCly told to do.

When someone acts like a child then threatens to get me banned on my first real role play session after donating a scary amount, I don't want to leave anything to chance so I posted a book to try and prove my innocence.

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RE: Bunch of Corleones random raid with no reason. - by Judge Dredd - 04-29-2013, 06:39 AM

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