Multi Ban Requests
Name of player's: Ringus Mcdingus | Colonel Sanders | Dr.Haxx

SteamID's: Ringus - STEAM_0:1:59871423 | Colonel - STEAM_0:1:41430161 | Dr.HAXX - STEAM_0:0:45301079

Time in GMT: It is currently 1:03 UTC

Server: v2d

Summary: I was in the offices setting up for a RP when out of no where I get PM'ed that cops are at my door. I turn around to see them there with a rebel. I open the door to see whats up. I get tranq'ed and then killed. Later on Haxx started CDM'ing people.

[Image: tumblr_oo89kx6Wfc1vvng74o8_r1_1280.png]

Messages In This Thread
Multi Ban Requests - by MikeyTheFox - 04-29-2013, 06:17 AM
RE: Multi Ban Requests - by Old Man Jokhah - 05-04-2013, 11:13 PM

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