Ban Request: ShadowModer, [FL:RP] professional_instinct and (TopCat)
Hi all, with regard to the above ban request, i'd like to clarify some issues about the situation, with regard to the conduct of the police and SS.

There was at that time, a large amount of confusion as to the situation, there were police officers and SS officers protecting and attempting to kill the president.

I do not know the names of the officers who attempted to kill the president, but myself and Professional_Instinct were defending the president, as was TopCat.

I do not deny the allegation of the defences being in breach of the rules, and it is to my understanding TopCat built them.

I hope this helps the Administrators reach a correct decision as to the matter.

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RE: Ban Request: ShadowModer, [FL:RP] professional_instinct and (TopCat) - by Eisenhorn - 04-27-2013, 11:15 PM

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