Ban request on Tomps
Name of player: Tomps


Time in GMT: gmt+2 athens greece, right now gmt+3 due to dst

Server: V2D

Summary: Simply this guy was a chef, driving his trabant around the middle of the road, and when i pulled out my gun, he simply ran me over, and then when he refused to call an paramedic, he just told another police officer to do that, and then when this guy entered his car and another police officer was infront of his car, pointing a gun on him, he just drove away, like nothing, i think he just broke fearrp 2 times, and did failrp, when he was driving with his trabant around the middle of the road, especially when he was an chef.


[Image: hl2_2013_04_25_23_46_15_774.png] [Image: hl2_2013_04_25_23_46_21_981.png]

Messages In This Thread
Ban request on Tomps - by Freezak - 04-26-2013, 04:24 AM
RE: Ban request on Tomps - by Termin - 04-26-2013, 02:25 PM

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