BR on 3 guys participating in the mingery today
Name of player: lars jakobson, A Dark Panda Master Sniper >_<, timmmy kives

SteamID: i tried to find his steamid (lars jakobson) but no results hope you can help me with this, STEAM_0:0:22430527, STEAM_0:0:27047585

Time in GMT: gmt+2 athens greece, gmt+3 due to dst

Server: V2D

Summary: There was a huge mingery today (around 19:30 gmt+3) so i was able to record 3 guys breaking the rules, although there were more people doing that, sadly i finished doing it, and i posted this br. Bascially you can see everything on the video, one guy is cdming, pretending that it was an accident ("oh watch out" but didn't even try to stop), another one propblocked almost the whole tunnel (you can see his name in the up-right corner) and the last one propkilled many people including me, using a washing machine.


[Image: hl2_2013_04_25_19_38_15_191.png] [Image: hl2_2013_04_25_19_38_19_818.png]

Messages In This Thread
BR on 3 guys participating in the mingery today - by Freezak - 04-25-2013, 05:09 PM

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