Ban the person above you....WITH A TEMPLATE!
Name of player: positive

SteamID: wat is a steamid?

Time in GMT: soz but i dontt have th time thouh i tryed to remember about rgw runw (OOPZ SILLY ME I TYPE ON LEFT OF WAT I MENT. LOLOLOL.)
anyway i tryed to remember but i dontt now. soz

Server: soz everyone but wat is the server with da big building in da center?

Summary: he tokked out his camera and thn he blinded me for like 6 second and i have epilepepepsy and hurt

Evidence: i went to doctor and he has th prof but he aint giveng it to me. soz

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban the person above you....WITH A TEMPLATE! - by Emil - 04-23-2013, 05:28 PM
RE: Ban the person above you....WITH A TEMPLATE! - by yarrrs - 04-24-2013, 01:22 AM

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