I did not know it was a random raid
I don't mean to say that deputy or any of us are innocent, but here's the full story (in note form):
Me and Space were FBI for the previous 3 governments, new Government comes into power, they in-force rules on us, I and space quit FBI, and become another custom job, vigilante (at this point its only me and space), we are out on the streets slagging off the government to some random people (AT THIS POINT THERE IS NO RAID PLANNED) and we start recruiting VIGILANTES, NOTE: NOT RAIDERS. we recruit deputy Dawg, and apple, apple says something along the lines of 'i think i will go and give the president a surprise'? something like this, find the logs if you can, at this point i CTD, when i return apple and deputy (don't know about space) are planning to go do whatever to the president, i see apple pull out a Molotov? (idk think it was that, green bottle as a weapon), they charge into the nexus and i follow to watch or as support (me and space also wanted another meeting with the government), at this point i was thinking that apple had their own motive, because me and space hadn't planned a raid, and the reason they were saying made no sense, as they were not FBI before the new government. we all go upstairs, apple runs ahead and throws a Molotov, at this point SS start shooting the fk out of ME AND SPACE, saying that we had done it (at this point we hadn't even showed that we were armed, and we were armed because our planned job was like a cross between police and rebels, but did not include RAIDING PRESIDENTS.), everyone is now on the bridge platform thing, and George appears, i didn't see what happened with deputy (i had been tazed by the SS)

BTW dep, where exactly did we say we were going to raid? We said we were recruiting vigilantes, and at that time HAD NO REASON TO RAID. Was something said while i had CTDed? (or was it apple who wanted you to assist them on the raid?)

Final note: The following weapons i had equipped may look like a raid set, but they were used in my job as follows, cracker and pick-lock: to get into bases where there was contraband, and for infiltrating rebels (back when we was FBI) to find info on their actions, UMP: Self explanatory, used to prevent FearRP being applied on myself (moral support? xD), used in shootouts, hostage rope: FBI/ vigilante version of handcuffs, wasn't going to be used to hostage people. Oh and flare gun, so if i got into trouble i could call for backup...

EDIT: Was just looking this over while i'm waiting out my ban, and how the fk did this even become a raid, as far as i knew we were gonna have to AVOID the nexus, and we didn't have the recources to raid them?
my main intention (and i think spaces too) of going up there was to talk with the government about FBI rules because i wasn't sure about what was going on with them, and to cover our other members, who we thought were raiding for their own motives, sort of like dep said, if anyone was random raiding it was apple, i think the rest of us got drawn into a pre-thought up plan that apple said the reason was to do with us? because like I've already said THEY WERE NOT FBI BEFORE THE NEW GOVERNMENT so why the hell would they raid for the reason 'they threw us out of the FBI'? this is really confusing me, maybe it was some sort of backseat admining type raid? (THIS WAS NOT PLANNED BY ME AND SPACE, I REPEAT AGAIN.) because if they thought we had been random demoted (they were misinformed) they may have thought "minge bag government, we've got to stop them"?
One final FINAL note: please try to understand this was NOT PLANNED TO BE A RAID, me and space were thinking WTF when apple threw a Molotov, and AT NO POINT did we draw our weapons, because, firstly, even if we wanted to (WE DIDN'T) we couldn't due to 3 FearRP instances. (1, outnumbered, 2, outgunned, 3, heavily injured), and secondly, there was a member of the staff at the scene, so blasting a clip into the SS like dep did was A REALLY BAD IDEA, almost like screaming BAN ME PLS.

EDIT: Final Final Final Note: even though we all deserve bans, i think the time distribution should be checked, find apples motive for raiding, if it was backseat admin or TRULY 100% random, then look into it, I'm fine with my 1 day ban, but if apples a backseat admin then, y'know, we've got a problem, sorry about all the edits and lack of any evidence, but i just really need to make the points clear, and the story as close to true (from all perspectives) as possible, only trying to help. And i have nothing against apple, only just met them, do not think in any form I'm trying to drop them in s*** for revenge, ETC.

EDIT: My fingers hurt from typing all this now Cheese

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RE: I did not know it was a random raid - by CaveeJohnson - 04-23-2013, 07:16 PM

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