Ban Request - Jarz , Butch , Flawless
1. Yes, my SS probably rush in the room and put guns on your guys they did Open the door and charge out at you when we were trying to figure this out.

2. If you want 4,000 dollars I'll pay you In-Game.

3. I didn't really pay attention to who was behind so, I guess I did break FearRP, I'm sorry.

4. It just looked like you tried to turn it around on me - Now that it was Explain, I understand.

5. I think the reason why the SS Rush you is because they Saw you after they were dicking around with Space turtles they came up Didn't hear the full thing and attack..

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Jarz , Butch , Flawless - by Duane - 04-19-2013, 01:47 AM
RE: Ban Request - Jarz , Butch , Flawless - by Duane - 04-21-2013, 09:24 PM

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