Ban Request - Jarz , Butch , Flawless

Just Bro.

I gave you the reason for the raid, After the Shenanigan.

Wanna know why?

I was trying to give the reasons for the raid right at the beginning of the video, but somebody opened the door!
Some SS behind you shot so I returned fire; Thus making my decision: Giving you the reasons after the Raid.
Never knew it was rule that I couldn't give the reasons of a raid after the raid, especially if you are opening the door, attempting to fire when I was typing the reasons.


Why did you guys rush us? We had guns on you. We did not moli your wall, because you had guns on us.


Why no sound? That is a big part to the evidence.


Don't see why you are holding a grudge on us, you guys won the raid, I stated my reasons (Which were stated to Jokhah) and yet you STILL post
a BR on me.

I really want to see Jokhah's imput.


Here is why I raided you fellas.

Demoting Good Police Officers: Your President demoted Griim and another police officer, whilst we were RPing as cops. He then let minge's become
the police force, resulting into the v2d server going into mass chaos. (Remember when Jokhah was praised when he banned 5 or so people? Half of em were cops.)

Tasing / KOSing inside the Nexus for no good reason: I was being handcuffed with Flawless (Butch was not here at this time) to go see the president.
We had been cleared by the Secretary to come through with our weapons, as we intended to protect the president after a past raid had occured.
Puix runs along, runs by a cop near the elevator cuffing us, and shoots Flawless to death.
I proceeded to ...try... and negotiate further with the president where I was then tased and kicked off the Nexus. Great orders, El Presidente.

Somewhere else I also stated another reason, but this was not included in the initial evidence report, provided by Anonymous.
I had originally said " other Misc. laws that Flawless, Butch, and I did not like and wanted to change, Passively or Aggressively" Or something along those lines.

I do not remember going into detail with these laws, however, and would be glad to do so currently.
(It was basically laws that don't contribute to a raid, but is always nice to add in.)

Traffic Laws
Weapon Laws
Unfortunately that is all I remember.


Any other questions you need answered, I will answer.
Just ask.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Jarz , Butch , Flawless - by Duane - 04-19-2013, 01:47 AM
RE: Ban Request - Jarz , Butch , Flawless - by yarrrs - 04-19-2013, 03:28 AM

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