Ban Request - s7zero7, Unholy and Hunter
All I can say is that I was definitely keeping a set of laws active. If you looked at the console while it was open in the video, you would see both the broadcast itself and my command binding it to a key.

I posted a BR because I wasn't as much concerned about how you were executing your plan to hostage me, but more that my actions involving the laws were ignored, and that it contradicted with you saying in-game "you never set any laws".

You've said yourself that the police were acting aggressive and that they looked as if they had a false sense of direction, but my only argument towards that is I was not aware, and I couldn't have been aware because I was cocooned inside the Nexus the entire time. I had no visitors requesting meetings relating to the police and I saw nothing out of the ordinary over the radio.

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RE: Ban Request - s7zero7, Unholy and Hunter - by ilmon3y - 04-18-2013, 08:13 PM

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