I'm banned for an unfair reason. Scape Faces Perm ban.
Name: Scape Faces

Ban ID: 16402

Banner: Ruxandra

Reason for ban: Bast/Discord's alt.

Involved: Rosaage a friend of mine and many other people.

Why you should unban me: Ruxandra banned me and around 5 others, because me and all those other people that got banned have the same Internet provider so that gives us the same 3 numbers at the beginning of our ip-adress. And thats the reason Ruxandra thinks that we are Discords alt accounts.
edit: is anything going to happen? am I going to get unbanned?

Messages In This Thread
I'm banned for an unfair reason. Scape Faces Perm ban. - by Scape Faces - 04-13-2013, 05:35 PM
RE: I'm banned for an unfair reason. - by Temar - 04-13-2013, 06:01 PM
RE: I'm banned for an unfair reason. - by Temar - 04-13-2013, 06:16 PM

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