Ban request on 4 people for many reasons.
The first pictures is when I was tring to arrest him the first time. When the so called "assassin" went to the president's office he was there for a good 20min without any gunshots. the ONLY gunshots were at me. I would like to add on harassment and insulting other players onto my ban request against this player for stating:

"Overall, this guy is a liar and pathetic for twisting his story so that the 4 of us get in whatever trouble." in his response.

He is tring to make up "excuses" and try and bend the truth so he isn't breaking any rules, even when he is. With the NLR, I was told by an ADMIN: When RDM/CDM happens in a RP situation, the Situation is paused until the person responds to continue the RP. Thus NLR does not apply when a person gets RDMed.

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RE: Ban request on 4 people for many reasons. - by JackHarkness - 04-13-2013, 04:14 AM

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