Ban Request - Daddy Rool & Caratheus
We've said our piece and you've said yours, all the evidence is down now. If we've broke the rules and are given a ban then that's fine. I didn't intend to break any rules I was merely trying to do a bit of RP and make some excitement as nothing was happening in the game at that moment.

I feel like this has been blown way out of proportion for what was simply a 5 minute raid.

Also I'd like to comment on this

"The first that I saw from you, your job was set to citizen. The fact that you changed it to 'Vigilante' after you killed a fair number of people doesn't excuse the fact you initiated it as a citizen to begin with. "

We had been set to Vigilante for around an hour before we even thought of raiding the government. We had previous RP's with Corleone's long before that so clearly you are mistaking what has happened.

You can ask "KittyGirlGamer" I believe it is, as she had been held hostage by corleone as a BMD and we saved her. (This is in the Slum area).
We had a "Vigilante" base and had been doing this for a while, so regardless of whether we possibly broke rules in the Nexus we definitely didn't change our job title while we was performing this raid.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Daddy Rool & Caratheus - by ilmon3y - 04-09-2013, 09:42 PM
RE: Ban Request - Daddy Rool & Caratheus - by Craig447 - 04-10-2013, 05:54 PM

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