WolfeyMans' Unban Request
If you have accusations regarding them breaking rules, it is groundless unless you provide evidence in a ban request and then it is reviewed by a member of staff. Regardless, it is completely irrelevant to your suspension.

Firstly, you roleplaying as the Mafia in the first place is completely fail. You are using the Rebel slot and as such you are permitted to roleplay any derivative of a rebel within acceptable boundaries; if you wish to roleplay as a Mafia then attempt to attain the Corleone class.

Secondly, simply wanting a place is not acceptable grounds for a raid. If this were to be permitted, everyone and their mother would constantly be raided because someone else just happened to 'want' their base.

The attempted random deathmatch was when you were shown chasing after a police officer who just happened to drive into view, shouting 'Kill him' or something along those lines before gunshots were heard and the clip ended.

Appeal denied, suspension will stand as issued. I highly advise you re-read the rules and especially roleplay guides. Also, the 'UM' isn't a public place... I have no idea where you got that idea from in the video.

Messages In This Thread
WolfeyMans' Unban Request - by Darkey - 04-08-2013, 09:57 PM
RE: WolfeyMans' Unban Request - by Old Man Jokhah - 04-09-2013, 06:00 AM
RE: WolfeyMans' Unban Request - by Adman - 04-09-2013, 08:15 AM

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