Aviator Demoted Me Because His Friend Wanted The Job

May I remind you that a template is required for abuse threads.

Firstly, may I add. 'Spam.' is not a friend, I do not know him, nor have seen him before. So, your title of the thread is incorrect. Also, he was demoted from the leader 'sander.m' and was demoted wrongfully, so, I like to give people second chances, put their mistakes right. You took the spot immediately afterwards, so as the spot was reserved for 'Spam.' in this OOC issue, I then demote you and you begin arguing in OOC. I did not kick you, that was an admin after warning you to stop arguing with me.

He wanted his job back in this issue, which was being reverted. The Rebel Leader demoted him, you took his spot, so you were demoted to allow 'Spam.' to get his spot back.

This was to allow 'Spam.' to get his job back that he was unfairly demoted from. To revert it back to what is was before this happened.

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RE: Aviator Demoted Me Because His Friend Wanted The Job - by aviator - 04-06-2013, 03:47 PM

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