Wood Chopper Unbanned
Name of player: Wood Chopper

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:33415012

Time in GMT: 11:18

Server: v2d I think

Summary: Right. I was speeding around the corner after running out of food and needing to go buy some quickly. As I was on 0 hunger. I was on 50% health and could hardly see. I flew around the corner and smacked my space bar as I seen a small house with two men in frount. Wacking space made my backend and my whole car slide into them. Here is some proof of this

Your name: Wood Chopper (STEAM_0:0:33415012)

Your ban ID: 28764

Banned by: [FL]Beflock

Reason: 'multi cdm into a passive RP'


Why we should unban you: So I was on 0 food and I jumped into my hummer. I was on about 50% health as I flew around the corner and out of industrial. I flew down the road and I then saw two men at a stupidly placed house right on the bend of the road. I then smacked my spacebar to try stop wacking into them (I just noticed as I went to turn) and my backend and my frrount both skidded and my whole car went sideways and wacked them. Here is some pictures of the incident.

The road:
[Image: 515ab29045e6a.jpg]

The stupidly placed house on the corner of the road where you turn:
[Image: 515ab2c887358.jpg]

This is my car. As you can see it has been turned sideways after wacking space so hard. The side of this car wacked into both the men. :
[Image: 515ab3079f9c4.jpg]
I find this ban very unfair because it is not my fault they put a house on a corner. I'm expecting to fly around the corner but me hardly being able to see because of hunger was unfair. I tried to stop and the whole backend hit them as I hit the handbrake. Therefor this is not on purpose and no harm was done. I hope this gets sorted as I am very annoyed after all I was going an okay speed to turn if someone did not place a house right on the corner of a straight road. What was they expecting?

Now I know this will just be closed instantly because Beflock will just say no and lock it but I hope another SA can read this and understand how it was a full accident.
And yes. It is under 24 hours but I feel this ban was fully unfair and I would like it removed from record.
Kind Regards,

Messages In This Thread
Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Wood - 04-02-2013, 10:34 AM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Narc - 04-02-2013, 11:34 AM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Wood - 04-02-2013, 11:45 AM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Narc - 04-02-2013, 11:56 AM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by Wood - 04-02-2013, 12:00 PM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by GhostRider - 04-12-2013, 01:36 PM
RE: Wood Chopper Unbanned - by DoomDude1 - 05-03-2013, 06:30 PM

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