Your name: killakarnage89

Your ban ID: 28710

Banned by: beflok

Reason: stealing car and apparently trying to lockpick a house

Involved: cant remember name

Why we should unban you: basically i stole one car drove round the corner and it ran out of fuel, surely thats not breaking rp citazens steal cars everyday thought this was meant to be like real life???? and secondly i never tried lockpicking anyones house for a start you cant lockpick a keypad? surely admin should know tht. personally i think that i got a real unfair ban and certainly to long thanks killakarnage

Messages In This Thread
stupid!! - by killakarnage89 - 04-01-2013, 11:19 PM
RE: stupid!! - by beflok - 04-02-2013, 02:28 AM

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