Jordyjdb and CnA_eXtReMeZ
[b]Name of players: Jordyjdb and [FL:RP] CnA_eXtReMeZ

[b]SteamID: jordyjdb - Steam_0:0:38551312 And [FL:RP] CnA_eXtReMeZ - Steam_0:0:42776856

[b]Time in GMT: Around 19:10

[b]Server: On the v2p server

[b]Summary: Basicly what I was doing before I started recording was, I drove around to check out the map (it is the second time I am on the v2p so havent really seen it all). I decided to take the train, just to try it out. Suddenly Jordyjdb prop pushes my car so it flies away (it is the white lambo seen shortly in the clip). Then I start recording and run up to him. He then starts smashing this fence around and pushes me with it also. Out of the blue CnA_eXtReMeZ jumps down behind me, and knife me to death for no reason.


Messages In This Thread
Jordyjdb and CnA_eXtReMeZ - by vixxy0178 - 03-31-2013, 08:31 PM
RE: Jordyjdb and CnA_eXtReMeZ - by GhostRider - 04-02-2013, 08:10 AM

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