Ilmer Ban - False reason
Your name: (Ilmer [DK])

Your ban ID: (28523)

Banned by: ([FL] Adman)

Reason: (Ban Request 28977 Approved - "Breaking FearRP, CarDM and homophobic language.)

Involved: (No Idea! Will be furter explained at my unban motivation)

Why we should unban you: (Really dont have a clue what to say here because of this wierd situation I am in with a ban for nothing I really can think off, Yes I have been driving someone down when they have been standing on the road. If and when that happens I allways step out of my car and explain that I am sorry for hitting them and telling them that they might want not want to be running out in front of a car without looking to left and right. I have 1 situation I can remember I was a cop driving my car, Another cop have pulled a suspekt over for a quick chat, and he was cuffed the guy goes out on the road and the cop follows the person, I tried to pull the break and when I did that my back end fliped out and hitted the person who was cuffed I got out of my car and said that I was sorry like I do all the time things like that happens, and really nothing els happend. "Breaking fearRP" This one situation I remember about fearRP is happing at my car, I was driving and A cop on the sidewalk (Remember I am driving with 40-50 kmh pass him" And tells me to stop, I did not stop because there was no legit reason to stop me I was driving and he pulled a gun for no reason, then the cop shoots a shot at my back and I turn back to talk to him but he does not care about him shooting me the only thing he cares about is fearRP I tell the guy that he has to get a valid reson to stop me and pull a gun at my face. "homophobic language" Not really sure what is ment by this, I try to keep the good language to eveyone but really as some of you admins also know there is some pretty annoring people in your server sometimes, I still keep the good tone but when I get arrested 4-5 times with a arrest time on 10 min I get alittle annoyed after all. All the proff that you have I did this and so I can remember the situtations I would like to see because right now I am only talking about the situtations I can remember. To [FL] Adman I would like to ask you why you dont hear the 2 part of the story before a ban goes through, I am not one of thoes little minges who cant talk to an admin with freakingout on him you are able to have a chat with me without any rage. I also here at last wanna tell you that the last 2 days I have really been thinking about only following the rules because I do not want to be banned or have any trubel with anyone. - Ilmer [DK] )

Messages In This Thread
Ilmer Ban - False reason - by Ilmer - 03-30-2013, 05:11 PM
RE: Ilmer Ban - False reason - by Adman - 03-30-2013, 05:29 PM
RE: Ilmer Ban - False reason - by Ilmer - 03-30-2013, 05:40 PM
RE: Ilmer Ban - False reason - by Adman - 03-30-2013, 06:09 PM

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