Ban Request SilentOrchestra
Player name: TheSilentOrchestra

SteamID (if possible): no sry

Time in GMT:15h30 maybe (GTM+1)

Summary: Kill with no good RP reason.


Hello again Nervous

Today as a unemployed, I came in nexus hall (empty) and after building a "President Speech Chamber" I took a rope and a gun, holstered them, and then came up in Nexus.

In the elevator I saw barricades after the president's bridge an I came there. On the beginning of the bridge the Police Commander killed me with no reasonable reason. (Im a citizen and I have no right to go behind nexus desk, ok. Being arrested certainly but killed ....)

Then when I respawned, I made my fraps on and came back again to record what he will do. ( At this time I had no weapons holstered, just the spawn kit).

In the elevator the PoliceCommander shoot me, didnt killed me, then the Pres broadcasted a Law " Everybody behind Nexus will be shoot on sight." I kept going, an again I've been killed without a chance to talk.

After that look what do we talked about in OOC.

[Image: 2011-04-30_00003.jpg]
[Image: 2011-04-30_00004.jpg]
[Image: 2011-04-30_00001.jpg]
[Image: 2011-04-30_00002.jpg]

I have the video of my second death, but long to upload, so tell me if it is necessary. Thanks

If you can see logs, they said that I was shooting at us, but I had a gun holstered, but with no ammunition, just one bullet. And I never fired it.

The point is, we never talk before he shoot at me, no warnings. I dont want him perma banned, or banned long time but maybe time to think about it, or blacklisted maybe...

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request SilentOrchestra - by furlings - 04-30-2011, 02:05 PM
RE: Ban Request SilentOrchestra - by Killjoy - 04-30-2011, 03:26 PM

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