Unban Request by MyBrain
That is so weird I thought I replied to this last night..

Anyways you tried to justify breaking NLR by only coming up to the 2nd floor in nexus rather than 3rd floor. I will bet real money that if I hadnt stopped you you would have went to the third floor. I then kicked you and instead of apologizing or re reading the rules you grab ss again and instantly head up the lift. This lead me to believe you did not care so I pmd you.. I do listen to everything but make snide remarks about our staff again and you will face the punishments. Simple as that.

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Messages In This Thread
Unban Request by MyBrain - by MyBrain - 03-28-2013, 08:41 AM
RE: Unban Request by MyBrain - by beflok - 03-28-2013, 08:02 PM

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