[FL] Narc // Demoting me to reserve job for others.
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Name:[FL:RP] Razer

Time/Date:18:15 GMT 28/03/2013

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:6082080

Name of Administrator:[FL]Narc

Evidence:I have two witnesses at the event who have also took screenshots, they will comment as a responce to this but here is my evidence, It was after a reset and he was reserving the president slot for a previous president earlyer that day then demoting himself and when I got president he demoted me my evidence is here:
http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/2795/adminabuse.png (Look at the chat)
Kind regards
Razer, A fellow FearlessRP Donator

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:34759371&b=7]

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[FL] Narc // Demoting me to reserve job for others. - by whiparts - 03-28-2013, 06:22 PM

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