Unban Request
[b]Your nameCheeseANBIDz

[b]Your ban ID:28189

[b]Banned by: [FL] Beflok

[b]Reason:rdm ignoring staff members, constant fail RP

[b]Involved: Beflok & I

[b]Why we should unban you: Hi, ive just donated to this server for the 3 month package and as soon as i got on i went to the SS team (that's why i donated) and entered the code for the nexus, (it had been changed but i dident know that) i kept trying about 3 times then i got demoted for building a lift in the street to get to the roof which i dident know was a demotion so i was like, fair enough il take that demotion then then i went to open the gate with the new password as a cop I typed it wrong and i got banned for 2 days 11 hours! it says for ignoring admin instruction but he dident tell me to stop, he said something but i couldn't understand his mic so i just assumed he was talking to somebody else.. I realy enjoy playing this server and would love to come back onto it!
[Image: high-5.png]

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by danbidz - 03-27-2013, 03:26 PM
RE: Unban Request - by beflok - 03-27-2013, 09:46 PM

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