Unban request
After you removed your table you brought up that you read somewhere in the rules about playing music. I then informed you that you could play music in your car or in a building you owned. You then proceeded to spawn a radio and continued to play music. I warned you then that you were pushing your luck and you decided to continue instead of stopping and moving. You also never asked me if it was okay, even after I pointed out that you never asked. Here is a copy of our conversation. I will leave this open for a little bit for other admins to offer their take on the situation.

[21:36:59] [FL] Jokhah (STEAM_0:1:14131954) said: .//I don't remember being asked about this
[21:37:17] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// you need to ask for this now? :?
[21:37:25] [FL] Jokhah (STEAM_0:1:14131954) said: .//to public build?
(he removed his build between these chatlines)
[21:37:31] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: there
[21:37:33] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// lel
[21:38:08] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// dont ban me now.... i just got back, lost my job and have nothing to do Tounge
[21:38:29] [FL] Jokhah (STEAM_0:1:14131954) said: .//Your mic spamming now, and you did a public build without permission
[21:38:36] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// common
[21:38:45] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// there was something about this on the forum
[21:38:52] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// in what way you can play music
[21:39:18] [FL] Jokhah (STEAM_0:1:14131954) said: .//You can play music in your car or in a building you own
(He spawned a radio between these chatlines)
[21:39:37] [FL] Jokhah (STEAM_0:1:14131954) said: .//your pushing your luck
[21:39:48] TheCorperal (STEAM_0:1:20614464) said: .// since when is this such a big deal?

Messages In This Thread
Unban request - by TheCorperal - 03-24-2013, 09:03 PM
RE: Unban request - by Narc - 03-24-2013, 09:49 PM
RE: Unban request - by Old Man Jokhah - 03-24-2013, 10:23 PM
RE: Unban request - by TheCorperal - 03-24-2013, 10:37 PM
RE: Unban request - by Killjoy - 03-25-2013, 10:07 AM

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