Your name:Gunlock1305

Your ban ID:27794

Banned by:[FL] Adman

Reason: "Prop-block (Keypad not fully accessible.)

Involved:Me Wath?TrollZee [FG]Wiski_SK Quipko and Raiders

Why we should unban you: yes I confess that i make it bad but admin you can see that the molotov burn old one and i try tu make it fast bicous random raiders (i will write a ban recuest in minutes) throu there meny molotovs and we kill them but they was braking NRL rule so admin I'm apologize but the keypad still usable code was 369 and the ok buton still working and late they crack it so its no prop-block they are onley mad bicous we stop them


Messages In This Thread
Unban - by Glock - 03-22-2013, 07:49 PM
RE: Unban - by Adman - 03-22-2013, 08:04 PM

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