Friendlyguy, Decie_Ere, A_C_T_9_7 First raid, Second-[FL:RP]Starkiller
Your name: A_C_T_9_7

Your ban ID: 27529

Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Random Raid

Involved: Friendlyguy, Decie_Ere, [FL:RP]Starkiller

Why we should unban you: Me and [FL:RP]Starkiller have both been banned for the raid when there was 4 of us. I was talking in the back ground and no one could see my player when the raid was happening, I would like to know why me and [FL:RP]Starkiller were the only 2 banned when you have got Decie_Ere and Friendlyguy pointing a gun to the pres's head. I did not see [FL:RP]Starkiller do anything because i was not with him at the time.

Messages In This Thread
Friendlyguy, Decie_Ere, A_C_T_9_7 First raid, Second-[FL:RP]Starkiller - by A_C_T_9_7 - 03-19-2013, 10:11 PM

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