57331_ unban request
Alright. I was doing my sweep of v2p and found you with 3 loads of contraband in the offices. Ever since I joined this server group, basing in the offices was not allowed. Mind you in 900 hours I have never heard an exception to this rule. So when I go to see who you are, you have the clan ***'s with attitude. That word is not allowed on the server and I told you to change it, you gave a counter to that, I told you I'm not going to argue, you have 2 minutes to fix it. I leave. I come back, you have changed your clan name to nig gers with attitude. That is highly disrespectful as I had warned you already not to use nig ga's you decided to get disrespectful. And nothing had been done with the contraband at that time.

I gave you a warning, you decided not to listen to it

Messages In This Thread
57331_ unban request - by 57331_ - 03-19-2013, 08:25 PM
RE: 57331_ unban request - by GhostRider - 03-19-2013, 08:31 PM
RE: 57331_ unban request - by Old Man Jokhah - 03-19-2013, 08:32 PM
RE: 57331_ unban request - by 57331_ - 03-19-2013, 08:44 PM
RE: 57331_ unban request - by GhostRider - 03-19-2013, 08:46 PM

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