Adding the Ability to use tranquilizer as SS.
(03-18-2013, 04:12 PM)Narcotic Wrote: You recently had snipers added on, now you want the force to be even more powerful, it's easy enough to play as SS as it is now without dying, no more resources are necessary.

Simply encouraging aggressive takedown as a method. It's a sniper which can only fire ONE shot before it has to reload, and it knocks people out instead of killing them outright. What's the big difference, other than some more RP?

(By the way, the people of the city and its government vs. a small cell of criminals. I don't remember how many times I've said it now, but the government is always 'OP'.)
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”

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RE: Adding the Ability to use tranquilizer as SS. - by Toxic - 03-18-2013, 04:15 PM

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