Banned yet again..
I know GhostRider, I know exactly what you're saying. I will apologize again, as I am sorry. I know I have gotten out of line, but if you unban me and let me back in. You will see that my attitude has changed, even ask anyone who's seen me on the past few days. I've been nice to every single person, haven't cursed/used homophobic language. Any of that, I have broken 0 rules since my last ban. And I will continue to be more passive instead of aggressive. I've already gotten all my guns sold to people, well I did but now that I'm banned I doubt they will still want them in 5 days. But like I said, my apologies GhostRider. Just give me 1 more chance, if I mess up this time you can permanently ban me, no questions asked. Please, that's all I'm asking is for 1 more chance. You will see that I've changed my outlook on the server. Thank you, Shizzle.

Messages In This Thread
Banned yet again.. - by Shizzle - 03-15-2013, 11:42 AM
RE: Banned yet again.. - by GhostRider - 03-15-2013, 11:55 AM
RE: Banned yet again.. - by Shizzle - 03-15-2013, 11:59 AM
RE: Banned yet again.. - by GhostRider - 03-15-2013, 12:18 PM

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