Unban request for xXUltraFirexx
Your name: xXUltraFireXx

Your ban ID: #27938

Banned by: [FL] GhostRider

Reason: Ban Request #27938 approved: Proppushing, public building (Extended due to current ban)

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: I think that this should be removed because I don't really understand what I did to get banned. I never proppushed anyone or anyone's car. I did however proppush my car and others when they were stuck on a curb or on glitched, but only if they asked for help. The only thing I can think of as public building would be the fact that I made a house in the UM to grow my weed. I don't really think that would count toward it though. I really just want to know what's going on here, and would atleast like to see some proof so I know what it was. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request for xXUltraFirexx - by xXUltraFireXx - 03-15-2013, 03:59 AM

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