You know you've played too much Fearless when..
When you try to get into your car without opening the door.

When you forget you don't actually make money from doing absolutely nothing that just pops into your wallet every 5 minutes.

Whenever you try and talk yourself out of a police arrest claiming you were lagging when you ran over those 5 pedestrians.

When you try to search something in the spawn list that you've lost.

When saying "I have over 500 hours" isn't a conversational piece.

When you run every single red light in the map, forgetting or not even noticing the traffic lights.

When you expect to get a job by clicking a button on a menu.

When you forget that the police force in real life is actually trained professionals.
[Image: sometime.png]

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RE: You know you've played too much Fearless when.. - by Friday - 03-15-2013, 01:05 AM

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