The new Nomination awards
FL Nicest Forumer Award - Barrelrolle and Iminiman

FL Most Intelligent Forumer Award - Raffi or Soul

FL Funniest Forumer Award - Barrelrolle

Fl Craziest Forumer Award - Gystez

FL Wise Old Monk Award (Most Mature Forumer) - Demonoid, Raffi or Nudel

FL Best Newbie Award - Fai22

Fl Best Oldie award - Soul

FL Most Underrated Forumer award - Whoop or S.J

FL Best Debater/Orator award - DemonoiD

FL Empty Barrel Award (Most missed RLT Forumer) - Fallen

FL Sexbomb Award (Sexiest Forumer) - NUdels girlfriend, so my vote goes to Nudel

FL Most Predictable FL Forumer Award - Gystez

FL Tryhard Award (Non-staff forumer who works hardest for the good of RLT)- S.J

Best Location - Norway

Most Improved FL Forumer - Thomas

Most Practical/Realistic FL Forumer - Hoot

Most Useful FL Guide - "How to drift a car" Raffi

Best FL Thread - Nudel, YouCheese

Best FL Thread Maker -

Best FL Duo/Trio - Kenny, Raffi and Gystez

Best FL Signature - Fai22

Most likely to be promoted - Whoop

Most Helpful FL Forumer - Any of the admins

Fl Most Unpredictable FL Forumer - Heinz

Fl Favourite Forumer Nickname - Monkeyman

FL Best quote - "All battles are hopeless...." -DemonoiD

FL Best Thread Maker -

FL Best Speller Award (grammar included) - Demonoid

FL Worst Speller Award, grammar included - Gystez

FL Best Avatar Award - Kenny

In game awards:

Best Rolleplayer Award - Dan the man

Best Builder Award - Barrelrolle or Bruital

Best Scripter Award - Willox

Best/favorite Admin Award - Kenny

Best clan Award - The British army, whoop

Best helper when admins aint online - Dan the man or Danny stikker

Messages In This Thread
The new Nomination awards - by Paven - 08-03-2010, 10:26 AM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by Paven - 08-03-2010, 11:45 AM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by DemonoiD - 08-03-2010, 11:46 AM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by Iminiman - 08-03-2010, 12:50 PM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by Kenny - 08-03-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by M.K - 08-05-2010, 11:16 PM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by Nudelholz - 08-09-2010, 10:48 AM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by s.J. - 08-09-2010, 11:13 AM
RE: The new Nomination awards - by Paven - 08-09-2010, 02:40 PM

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