Your name: King Missedi/MissedMouse

Your ban ID: 26545

Banned by: Beflok

Reason: 'throwing molly for bad reason, fail RP, breaking fear RP'

Involved: Me and some rebels dont rmember names

Why we should unban you: Ok so here whats happened:
1. Rebels destroyed my props all a time
2. I reported about their contra
3. One of em rushed into my house and pointed me with gun
4. About 5minutes from that i did throw molotov to their place(as revenge)
5. They broke my windows and shot me

And btw one of rebels said i pulled out glock, in fact i was holding it in my hand all a time.....

Messages In This Thread
Missedi - by Missedi - 03-08-2013, 12:12 PM
RE: Missedi - by beflok - 03-09-2013, 05:59 AM

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