[FL:RP] Pavilion Late Appeal
This is what I tried to explain above, it may come across as slightly confusing after reading I may agree. Although, when the events happened with the raid I had completely no intention to raid/kill/hostage anything on them lines.

Like I stated above, when Aviator saw Mr.Tie A. Disc jockey (DJ) Lockpicking the Nexus Garage, he followed him in trying to prevent him doing this as he knew this was a breaking of the rules. Before entering the garage, I made sure that I had Holstered my gun, although I believe Mr.Tie A. Disc jockey (DJ) still had one equipped.

As Aviator used his Mic and I believe he also used Local OOC to trying and highlight to Mr.Tie A. Disc jockey (DJ) that he was going to be breaking the rules. As he continued to Keypad crack the door, and then Open Fired on a Police Officer, I decided to leave the area as I didn't want for you to think I was ''involved'' in the raid. Although, I seem to receive the ban.

This is why I believe that it was a misunderstand, as I only ever raid if I have a strict reason, which hardly ever comes around.

I hope this is easily understandable and that you can also take it into consideration,

Thank you, Pavilion.

Messages In This Thread
[FL:RP] Pavilion Late Appeal - by Pavilion - 03-06-2013, 06:13 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Pavilion Late Appeal - by Pavilion - 03-06-2013, 07:46 PM
RE: [FL:RP] Pavilion Late Appeal - by Adman - 03-06-2013, 08:24 PM

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