Ncd56's ban reduction request.
(02-26-2013, 10:13 PM)Ncd56 Wrote: Your name: Ncd56

Your ban ID: 25806

Banned by: Beflok

Reason: 'major minging, basing at main street as doc, prop minged, cdm x 2 on purpose'

Involved: Myself, Kill or be Killed, Game Viper

Why we should unban you: I don't want my ban lifted, just shortened. First off, I only killed Kill or be killed once, when he was stuck. (Fail RP, RDM, and Backseat Administration. Perhaps you could have used @ to contact an admin? Or maybe spawned a chair so he could use it to get unstuck without murdering him. Askin to be killed, meta or not, is failrp on your friends part in the first place.)

Other times we were just messing around Out of Character while we waited for customers, and when someone came in, we sold to them. There is also a lack of specification on Main street, seeing as I thought main street was with the Bank/Gas station. (Main Street is the main road of the city. It covers BP, Bank, KFC, Tides, all 3 shops. The other areas classified as shops are on the other side of main street next to and on the same side as the appartments. Some also count Cub Foods and the Flea Market as part of the shops for the purpose of not basing / contra farming there.)

Also, the server claims to be "Semi Serious" So, we can't fool around a bit after a night of actual rebel RP? (It's stated in some of the basics starter guide in the guide section, section 4: Roleplay, act as you would in real life. Here is a useful link to a very handy guide.

Where we legitimately defended against cops and such, kidnapped the pres etc, all IC? Also, I hit people with my car on accident, seeing as the guy literally stood in the middle of the zebra pad, I assume he was afk as well. (Standing in the road isn't an excuse. He was on the Zebra. Unless you were going top speed it's pretty easy to avoid him or hit the breaks and hard turn to try to stop. Lag or driving at excessive speed isn't an excuse)

So I feel a ban of 15 days, and 30 days are both extremely unfair, seeing as the server is again. "Semi Serious." If you don't want people being out of character make it Serious with no OOC and remove the ability to spawn any props that aren't IC, and hell make it so prop surfing kills you instantly. (The gamemode is just fine the way it is, but thanks for your suggestion.)

Also there's no rules against stabbing glass and making fire,(Fail RP, if I stab glass it doesn't make fire, I've tried after playing garry's mod.)

nor any rules against owning contra as a doc or any vendor as long as you own a store, and don't discriminate against customers. (Job rule 5 states you cannot make a contra base as a vendor, if that applies to this situation. at the bottom of the page, Adman addressed which shops would actually have a reason to own contraband.)

I also didn't kill anyone with props. Unless it was myself on accident, because props go haywire when you set them on the ground. Also killing a single person isn't Minging. (True statement, but judging by the set of rule breaks it does appear that you may have been unintentionally minging.)

It was RDM, and he asked me to over skype because he was stuck, ask him yourself. (Using any form of out of character chat or external chat for in game issues is metagaming. Even if your on the FL Team Speak server it clearly states do not discuss in game issues as it is metagaming.)

So, the reasons I should be banned? Because I did 1 intentional CDM, and based on the unspecific main street. Maybe say in the rules, that main street is the one with the flee market? Might reduce confusion in the future. Also remember it was around 7 AM, after a night of no sleep. And I'm sure we're not the only ones who get a little nutty when we don't sleep. I also see no way we affected anyone with what we did, besides ourselves. (Breaking rules has nothing to do with weather or not it effects someone else. The rules are there for a reason and even if you and your buddy were the only ones on, your still expected to follow them while on FL servers)

Hope this was useful for you. Maybe now you can see where [FL]Doomdude1 is coming from.

Messages In This Thread
Ncd56's ban reduction request. - by Ncd56 - 02-26-2013, 10:13 PM
RE: Ncd56's ban reduction request. - by DoomDude1 - 02-27-2013, 07:37 AM
RE: Ncd56's ban reduction request. - by Ncd56 - 02-27-2013, 12:43 PM
RE: Ncd56's ban reduction request. - by Old Man Jokhah - 03-05-2013, 07:36 AM
RE: Ncd56's ban reduction request. - by beflok - 03-05-2013, 11:28 PM

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