PirateCrayons Ban Appeal Again
Your name: PirateCrayons

Your ban ID: 10017

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason: Spawning massive props in street

Involved: Numerous players

Why we should unban you: Well I tried to explain in my previous ban appeal that I was banned when I was brand new to Gmod, it's been nearly a year, I've improved and I have been a head admin and a respected user on darkrp servers.

I don't like people that ruin the fun for others so I stopped being one of those people a long time ago.

What I did was pretty bad but I just wanna be viewed as a different player now and a good one as well as I really enjoy serious RP's and slow paced games and I'm sick of dark rp.

Your server seems like a really well constructed one and I really think I'd enjoy spending my free time on it.

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
PirateCrayons Ban Appeal Again - by Pirate Crayons - 03-05-2013, 12:00 AM
RE: PirateCrayons Ban Appeal Again - by Salinsky - 03-05-2013, 12:26 AM
RE: PirateCrayons Ban Appeal Again - by LoneWolf - 03-05-2013, 01:57 AM
RE: PirateCrayons Ban Appeal Again - by beflok - 03-05-2013, 10:55 PM

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