[Ban Request] Sooo many rules broken
Name of player: Deathgrip, Terrifier

SteamID: DeathGrip - STEAM_0:1:42521176,
Terrifier - STEAM_0:0:44707512

Time in GMT: 1 hour ago and 30hours ago

Server: v2p

Summary: Firstly guys were tranqing/ shooting us from the sky! and from the ground. Later were breaking into our house by using chair. I got screenshot when they stuck in our floor. Later when we killed them they went into ground and were shooting on us. After loong war (they were coming whole the time) we arrived to the hospital to heal our wounds. They were there too. Random tranqing again, proppushing cars, jumping/steping at tranqed bodies.
  1. Random shooting/ RDM
  2. Random Tranquilizing
  3. Using chair to get to the sky and into ground.
  4. Random breaking info house using chair
  5. Breaking NLR multiply times.
  6. Proppushing car
  7. Stepping/Jumping at tranqed bodies


[Image: 2013030300072.jpg]
[Image: 2013030300071.jpg]
[Image: 2013030300074.jpg]


Messages In This Thread
[Ban Request] Sooo many rules broken - by bystry95 - 03-03-2013, 02:02 PM

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