[CLOSED] [Pas] [Unofficial] PASSIVE - Professional Roleplay
Why do you want to join PASSIVE? - I've been a Semi-Passive role-player for a while now, I tend to take roles as politicians or businessmen over gang members or cops.

How many major RP's have you been involved in in the past? (Name 1+) - I can't think of anything MAJOR. I've been running my own business.

Whats your hours in-game? - About 43 on the server haha, I've played Semi-Serious and Serious RP servers since I started playing Garry's Mod in 2009

What is your SteamID? - STEAM_0:0:19980398 (SplinterSim4)

Do you know anyone in the group? How do you know them? - Nope! I'm new to this community so I don't know much of anybody.

What is your Age? - 17

Tell us about yourself? INGAME - I play as "Jack West" a middle aged entrepreneur who founded West Tower. I like to mix in with the wealthy and powerful, and will often times get involved in City Politics if my Tower is doing well.

Tell us about yourself? REAL LIFE - I'm a junior in high school, who's interested in filmmaking and writing. I've also delved into school politics once or twice and I own my own car!

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Pas] Passive - Professional Roleplay [UnOfficial] - by Menswear Dog - 02-26-2013, 03:33 AM

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